
Radio "Bridge" Chicago-Zakopane

Listen every third Sunday of the month for our 2 PM CST radio program between Chicago Polskie Radio 1030 AM and Radio Alex ZAKOPANE. We have a live radio linkup with a special guests to discuss current issues of interest between the Highlander communities of Chicago and Zakopane

2779 22 lutego 2013 »

Tygodnik Podhalanski

Polish media seervice covering events in the Tatra Mountain area of Poland and concerning Highlanders in the USA

1412 22 lutego 2013 »

Guide star

Independent directory of all Not For Profits registered in the USA. All relavant information about the foundation can be found at

We have the Guide Star Seal of Transperancy!!!

3514 22 lutego 2013 »
Wszystkich rekordów: 3